Family Cottage Sharing Agreement

A family cottage sharing agreement is a document that outlines how a family will share and manage a cottage they have jointly inherited or purchased. This agreement is essential to avoid conflicts and ensure that all family members are on the same page when it comes to using and maintaining the property.

The agreement should cover various aspects of cottage ownership, including maintenance responsibilities, usage schedules, and financial contributions. Here are some crucial elements to consider when drafting a family cottage sharing agreement.

Maintenance Responsibilities

Maintaining a cottage can be a costly affair, and it’s essential to assign maintenance responsibilities to avoid conflicts. The agreement should outline who is responsible for routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning, landscaping, and repairs. It’s also essential to establish how maintenance costs will be shared among family members.

Usage Schedules

Agreeing on a usage schedule is crucial to ensure that all family members get a fair opportunity to use and enjoy the cottage. The agreement should outline when each family member will have access to the cottage and how long they can stay. It’s also essential to establish a process for scheduling changes and resolving conflicts.

Financial Contributions

Owning a cottage comes with financial responsibilities, including property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. The agreement should outline how these expenses will be shared among family members. It’s essential to establish a clear contribution plan that takes into account each family member’s financial ability and willingness to pay.

Dispute Resolution

Even with the best intentions, conflicts may arise when sharing a cottage. The agreement should establish a process for resolving disputes, including mediation or arbitration. It’s essential to have clear guidelines on how to escalate disputes and seek outside help if necessary.


A family cottage sharing agreement is an essential document for managing joint ownership of a cottage. It’s essential to involve all family members in drafting the agreement to ensure that everyone’s needs and interests are considered. Having a clear and comprehensive agreement can help avoid conflicts and ensure that everyone enjoys the benefits of owning a cottage.