Tear into Russian Agreement with China

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Tearing into the Russian Agreement with China: What it Means for International Relations

On July 20, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping signed a joint statement on strengthening global strategic stability, which includes cooperation in various areas such as arms control, regional security, and economic development. While both leaders hailed the agreement as a milestone in the bilateral ties between their countries, some critics and analysts have expressed concerns and skepticism about its implications for the wider world order and the balance of power. In this article, we will tear into the Russian agreement with China and examine its key aspects, challenges, and opportunities.

Arms control: The joint statement calls for maintaining and strengthening the international arms control regimes, such as the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Treaty on Open Skies (TOS), which both the US and Russia have recently withdrawn from. It also proposes exploring new measures to prevent the deployment of weapons in space and to reduce the risks of accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons. However, some experts argue that the agreement lacks concrete details and verification mechanisms, and that it may reinforce the perception of Russia and China as revisionist powers that seek to undermine the existing arms control framework rather than support it.

Regional security: The joint statement emphasizes the importance of promoting peace and stability in various regions, such as the Korean Peninsula, the Middle East, and Afghanistan, and advocates for a political solution to the conflicts there. It also reaffirms the principle of non-interference in domestic affairs and opposes any attempts to use force or coercion to change regimes. However, some observers question the alignment of Russia and China on these issues, given their different priorities and interests, such as in Syria, where Russia supports the Assad regime while China seeks to expand its economic influence.

Economic development: The joint statement highlights the potential for cooperation in various fields, such as trade, investment, energy, and infrastructure, and welcomes the integration of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). It also stresses the need to promote a multipolar world order and to resist the unilateral sanctions and protectionist policies imposed by some countries, such as the US. However, some critics argue that the agreement may deepen the dependence of Russia on China as a market and a creditor, and may undermine the prospects of diversification and modernization of the Russian economy.

Challenges and opportunities: The joint statement reflects the growing alignment of Russia and China on the global challenges and opportunities, and their shared perception of the US as a hegemonic and aggressive power that seeks to contain and isolate them. It also signals their readiness to challenge the dominance of the Western liberal democratic model and to promote alternative visions of global governance. However, the agreement also poses risks and challenges for the international community, such as the erosion of the norms and institutions of arms control, the exacerbation of regional tensions and conflicts, and the weakening of the global cooperation on climate change, pandemic response, and human rights.

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